Eco-champion resources

For living more sustainably, check these out.

Eco-champion resources

For living more sustainably, check these out:

Electric vehicle charging locations

  • Waka Kotahi and Plugshare are both ideal for finding EV charging stations throughout Te Awa Kairangi ki Tai / Lower Hutt, with electric vehicles becoming more and more popular.

Emissions calculators

  • calculate and track emissions for small business with these calculators by Toitū.

Five ways to take climate action

  • our friends at Wellington City Council have created this handy list of tips for making your everyday life more sustainable and environmentally friendly.


  • a grassroots, non-profit movement of people all about giving and getting stuff for free in their local area. It's all about reusing items and keeping good stuff out of landfills. Membership is free.


  • get an idea of the impact of your lifestyle on our planet and see how your everyday actions can make a difference.

Gen Less

  • discover stories, tools, and a whole range of actions you can take that will cut down energy-related greenhouse gas emissions - and benefit our climate, your wellbeing, and your pocket.

Google Maps updates

  • check out these 5 easy ways you can help the environment by updating Google Maps.

Keep New Zealand Beautiful

  • Aotearoa’s oldest environmental not-for-profit organisation started out all about litter, but since then they've expanded to offer heaps of resources, activities and events to help create a more climate-conscious, ecologically diverse and pollution-free future for all Kiwis.

Love Food Hate Waste NZ

  • funded by councils such as Hutt City Council and resourced by WasteMINZ, this organisation is all about reducing food waste throughout Aotearoa with the help of handy resources and delicious recipes.


  • getting about via public transport is a great way to cut down on carbon emissions!

Para Kore

  • this Māori not-for-profit deliver Oranga Taiao. This te ao Māori-based zero-waste education programme aims to design out waste and strengthen the connection to Papatūānuku and Ranginui.

Repair Café Aotearoa New Zealand

  • Repair cafés are free pop-up events where local people bring in their broken or damaged belongings and local volunteer experts do their best to repair them. If you're interested in seeing up a repair café in your area, get in touch with RCANZ!

The Rubbish Trip

  • founded by zero-waste champions Hannah Blumhardt and Liam Prince, The Rubbish Trip offers resources, presentations and workshops to help individuals and businesses to reduce their rubbish.

Sort Waste NZ

  • tips, tricks and inspiration for working sustainability into every part of your daily life.

Te Awa Kairangi Kai Collective

  • this community-led initiative works to ensure that there is accessible and sustainable food for everyone within Te Awa Kairangi for generations to come.

The Vegan Society of Aotearoa New Zealand

  • an ideal resource for both vegans and those interested in cutting down on animal products, this charity’s website contains heaps of great advice and resources for enjoying an environmentally friendly vegan lifestyle.

Wellington Region 2050 Emissions Calculator

  • this resource lets you model changes within the Greater Wellington Region in order to forecast our future emissions.

Got a resource or location you think should be added to the Supporting The Hutt section? Let us know at

We'll be adding more resources over time, so check back soon! And don't forget about all the fun to be had in our Kidzone...