
Too Good to Waste is owned by Hutt City Council.


Too Good to Waste is owned by Hutt City Council.

The legal stuff

This website is governed by the terms of use, privacy policy, disclaimer and copyright provisions of Hutt City Council.

Terms of use

Website users cannot make any alterations or changes that interfere with how the site currently works. Users are not permitted to take any part of the website and recreate it unless permission is granted by Council.

Privacy policy

The Council protects the privacy of our website users. We collect, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020 and our privacy statement.

If you provide personal information through this website we will only use that information in our dealings with you, keep that information secure and not share it with a third party.

For details about Council’s management of personal information please see our Privacy Statement.


Unless otherwise stated, copyright in all material on this site belongs to Hutt City Council.

Website visitors may reproduce, store and use the content of this website for personal, informational and non-commercial purposes only. Any material used from this website must have the source and copyright status of the material acknowledged.

Except as stated in the above, no portion of the content of this website, including text, graphics, photos, the Council logo and the Too Good to Waste logo, may be copied or used without the permission of the Council.

Find more information on the Hutt City Council logo guidelines please contact us.